Progressive and radically inclusive followers of Jesus
seeking God’s healing and transformation
for ourselves and our world…
As followers of Jesus Christ, caught up in God’s mission to the world, we are a courageous community united in faith for prayerful service.
We commit ourselves to spiritual growth and to supporting each other to live as disciples in the real world.
We are filled with the joy of worship that is relevant today.
We are a spiritually curious and questioning people, open to exploring old and new ideas and expressions of our theology
We are a radically and intentionally inclusive community, which is genuinely and warmly welcoming.
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, and guided by scripture we pursue with zeal:
- justice, compassion and hospitality for all;
- nurturing and using our God given talents and resources with confidence as faithful stewards;
meeting people where they are. - spiritually fulfilling worship which includes a variety of music and creative art forms that engage our senses.
- the growth of our congregation.
- a new generation – including children, youth, and young adults to carry God’s mission into the future.
- the well-being of our neighbourhood, and solidarity with those who are marginalised.
- empowering and freeing our clergy to serve as spiritual leaders and teachers who equip us for transformational ministry.
Based in the hospitality of Jesus Christ, we practise an open door/table policy, where all are welcome to worship and explore Christian faith with us regardless of age, race or colour, family status, physical or mental dis/ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, class, income level, nationality, ancestry or place of origin, marital status, or religious point of view.