We have returned to worship on site, in person and you are welcome to join us in the sanctuary if that is a good option for you.

Recognizing the mask mandate has been rescinded for public spaces. We would like to stick with masks for now because:

  • our attitude throughout has been to take care of our most vulnerable, and masks help with that;
  • the Bishop, who is in charge of the buildings (and the Anglicans), has asked that masks continue to be worn;
  • the Pacific Mountain Regional Council strongly encourages us to continue to wear masks at worship, with a special emphasis on singing.

If you’re planning to come to the onsite site you can print the Order of Worship for yourself or pick up one of the limited edition ones available at the door.

If you choose to try the in-person option, we’re at 1010 5th Ave, New Westminster, and either way the service starts at 11:30 (or so).

We continue to wear masks because as soon as we take them off some nasty new variant is bound to turn up. As Jesus said, quoting Deuteronomy 6:16, “You shall not put the Lord your God to the test”.

RESOURCES A curated list of resources available for Canadians to help during the pandemic

CHILDREN and YOUTH Events and activities for children and youth

Please see the links below for our evolving plans to continue supporting each other and being a vibrant, faithful community.


Small Groups

Spiritual Friends

Stuff we will mail/email

Other ideas going forward


We’ve settled on doing remote worship services via Zoom. We’ve chosen this application because it supports a broad array of communication options including telephone dial in participation. Passwords, phone numbers, links “how to” will be posted on our HOME page. You are also welcome to attend our worship services in person.


Zoom is the application we’re using for Bible Study on Wednesday afternoon, coffee time on Friday morning and eventually an evening group with the beverage of your choice. To manage security small groups are via invitation. Please see our CONTACT page to let Reverend Shannon Tennant or the office know you’d like to participate. Even if you haven’t been part of any of our small groups on the past we’d love to have you with us for fun, fellowship and connection.

Spiritual Friends

A number of people expressed in interest in reviving the Spiritual Friends of the 8 week course. This is a pairing up of people (fairly randomly) to offer each other prayer and spiritual support – over the phone or however you find easiest while maintaining social distance. It’s a commitment to meet weekly or even more often. Please see our CONTACT page to let Reverend Shannon Tennant or the office know you’d like to participate.

Stuff we will mail/email

There will be regular emailing. For Sundays you’ll get an order of worship, as well as the Bible Background Sheet.  There is a newsletter typically sent on Wednesdays.

Other ideas going forward

We’re trying to include people as comprehensibly as possible and for right now these are the easiest ways. We have people who will be in touch with those who are digitally unconnected to us, and if you know one of them, feel free to call them to maintain that connection to the church community.

There’s a lot to do to get this going and this is a marathon, not a sprint. We need to pace ourselves. Not everything will happen at once.

Enjoy the sunshine while you can. Don’t forget to exercise.

grace & peace,
Reverend Shannon Tennant

Online Sunday worship communities